Your Sexual Health
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – transmission, testing and treatment
Let’s talk about STIs – you can get them from vaginal, anal or oral sex. It happens if you’re with someone who is infected. Here’s the thing – symptoms can vary or you might not have any symptoms at all.
Worried you might have an STI? That’s where a medical provider comes in. Regular testing, especially with a new partner, is super important. Testing helps you find out if there’s anything going on and lets you start treatment to protect you and your partner(s).
Clinics are not just about testing: they’re all about educating you on how to stay safe from STIs. Want more info or have questions? Check out the clinic websites on or call.
Good to know
If you’re sexually active, the best way to protect yourself from STIs/STDs is to use condoms.
Birth Control
If you’re not ready or don’t want to get pregnant, birth control is safe and effective. There are many different kinds to choose from. Talk to your medical provider to find the one that fits you best.
Nervous about your appointment? Talk to a nurse or provider. They’ll walk you through all the options and help you decide which method is right for you. Any clinic on is your go-to for info, answers to your questions and access to birth control.
Emergency contraception can be your backup plan for preventing pregnancy and can be picked up at any clinic on the website or at a local pharmacy.
Early pregnancy signs typically begin with a missed period. But having pregnancy symptoms doesn’t guarantee you’re pregnant. If you think you might be pregnant, even without symptoms, it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test. You can get tested at any of the locations on the clinics page or pick up a home test from a drug store.
If you are pregnant, all MySelfMyHealth clinics can talk to you about your options, without judgement.

Congratulations on taking control of your sexual health!